catalogueId | path | string | Yes | The catalogues id |
groupId | query | int | Yes | The group id |
providerKey | path | string | Yes | Catalogue by prodiver |
Skip | query | int | No | The amount of search results that need to be skipped. Default value is 0. |
Take | query | int | No | The amount of search results that need to be taken. Default value is 25. |
SortKey | query | string | No | The key on which the sort needs to be applied. There is no default sorting applied. |
SortDirection | query | string | No | The direction in which the sorting needs to be applied. SortKey is a required field if you use this parameter. There is no default sort direction applied. |
IncludeFilterOptions | query | bool | No | Default is false. If set to true, will return the filter options for the given products. |
IncludeAssets | query | bool | No | Default is false. If set to true, will return extra assets for the given products. |
WithoutRouteInfo | query | bool | No | If set to true, will not return route info which will decrease response times. |
WithoutNettoPrice | query | bool | No | If set to true, will not return net prices which will decrease response times. |